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TapGig in action
Take a look at how event organizers use the TapGig platform. We look forward to more awesome projects
Bridge the gap, share the stage!
What people say about TapGig:
„As I heard of TapGig my first thought was, that this will revolutionize the music and event business like nothing we have seen in ages.
This is the first scalable format for professional live productions which are fun and authentic for both artists and audiences. It will bring high quality art and true human encounters into our virtualized century.“
Anna KoppCIO Microsoft Germany
"Thanks TapGig for giving us goose bumps at our global annual conference event. It was awesome!"
Lukas TrautnerInfineon
"I saw this kind of performance the first time in my life and it was really beautiful. Whith perfect sound. I felt myself like being there in California..."
Ukrainian OfficerLviv
"You know the feeling when somebody is not doing work but really puts everything in what they do? We felt it on our side and felt a little bit warmer as somebody was thinking of us, dealing with us, sending us a piece of their heart. We can feel this and share this and enjoy it here."
Anonymous audienceLviv
“I had the feeling that we were all in the same room and very close to each other. Despite the camera, you could feel the people and sense their energy.”
Anonymous audienceDüsseldorf