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Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf

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Public Theater Festival

TapGig re-erected the Mariupol Theater in Düsseldorf

Location: Düsseldorf - Lviv
Audience: 200
Client: Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf

During their theater festival week Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf hosted different groups of artists. On the facade of the building TapGig virtually re-erected the famous Mariupol Theater which got destroyed during the war. On a virtual reconstruction of it’s stage different Ukrainian artits performed – party joined live by artists on-site in Düsseldorf.

TapGig in action

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Corporate Conference

Corporate Show Vienna

Unprecedented live-interaction during a conference event
Audience: 1200
Locations: Vienna - Garmisch

DEL Wintergame 2022

Flanking Content at DEL Wintergame 2022
Locations: Cologne
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