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Our show cases

TapGig in action

Take a look at how event organizers use the TapGig platform. We look forward to more awesome projects


Live show in church during visual art week

Audience sings while Ukrainian artists play live
Audience: 200
Locations: Munich - Lviv

Joey Cape at Zamanand Festival

Californian surfpunk heroes appear on Munich’s Siegestor
Audience: 500
Locations: California - Munich
Public Event

Das andere Leben Brudermühlbrücke

Public reading with live music under highway bridge
Audience: 100
Locations: Munich - Lviv
Live TV Festival

4gamechangers Vienna

Heinz aus Wien performs with speakers on Live TV stage
Audience: 2000
Locations: Vienna
Corporate Conference

Corporate Show Vienna

Unprecedented live interaction during a conference event
Audience: 1200
Locations: Vienna - Garmisch
Public Theater Festival

Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf

TapGig re-erected the Mariupol Theater in Düsseldorf
Audience: 200
Locations: Düsseldorf - Lviv
Private show

Live show for Combat Medics

Joey Cape plays live for Ukrainians in Lviv
Audience: 50
Locations: Los Angeles - Ukraine
Public Festival

Zamanand Festival Siegestor

Violinist from Ukraine performs on the Siegestor in Munich
Audience: 10.000
Locations: Lviv - Munich

Bridge the gap, share the stage!

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